The Church celebrates today, especially the life of St. Matthew the Apostle and Evangelist, whose name before conversion was Levi. He lived and worked as a tax collector in Capernaum, in Palestine. When he heard the word of Jesus: "Follow me" left everything at once, putting aside the life tied to money and power to service a perfect poverty: the proclamation of the Christian message which connect to lanyards and badge holders!

Matthew was a wealthy tax and responded to the Teacher with enthusiasm. Found in the Gospel of St. Luke the person of Matthew, which prepares and invites the GM for the big farewell party at his house. Thus, a large crowd of tax collectors and others also convicted in the eyes of the people, sat at table with him and with him who came not to the healthy, but for patients, not for the righteous but for sinners. Calling them to conversion and new life.

So touched by the mercy of Him who loved and looked in silence and with discretion, got rid of money doing good with the secretion of christian lanyards.

It is in Matthew's Gospel we contemplate the most widely language relating to the use of money, such as:
"Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and weevil destroy them." and: "You can not serve God and money."

With Judas, however, was the charge of "box" of small apostolic community that Jesus formed with their own. Matthew leaves all his money to follow Jesus and Judas, instead, betrays Jesus for thirty pieces!

This apostle to whom we celebrate today with the whole Church, whose name means gift of God, known in Christianity which direct nowadays as Name Badge Holders that passage to not so much missionary work in the East, but by the Gospel that guided by the inspiration of extraordinary charisma could write, among 80 - 90 in Syria and Palestine, much of the life and teachings of Jesus. We also celebrate his martyrdom that has just closed with the palm of victory to the testimony of this apostle, saint and evangelist.

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